Portable Rapid chilling and blast freezing
rentals and sales. Get a mobile ArcticBlast

ArcticBlast2 - 280,000 ft³ air flow per hour (4,667 CFM)
Get blasted
ArcticBlast2 delivers around 280,000 ft³ per hour and ArcticBlast5 an incredible 706,000 ft³ per hour of airflow. One-piece butchers doors on either end, ramp availability, internal lighting, and "man trapped" alarm are standard.
Current customer applications include:
- Harvested and farmed tropical and cold-water fish
- Meats and meat-based products
- Agricultural produce including fruits
- "TV dinners" or pre-prepared meals
- Pharmaceutical PCM conditioning and storage
- Can also be used for tempering.
Learn more on the impressive ArcticBlast
Blast 'n Store
ArcticBlast can be an integral part of our SuperStore modular cold rooms.
The complex showing here includes 2 sliding doors connecting the approx. 1050 ft² open plan storage area with an ArcticBlast5. The blast freezing, rapid chilling or tempering zone is around 200 ft².
ArcticBlast 5, maximum output is in excess of 300,000 BTU/hr (≈76,000 Kcal/hr).
The combination of airflow and effect determine the speed at which produce transfers heat to the passing air. Actual air flow is determined by the static pressure and power supply. 60 Hertz power increases the air flow by more than 10% compared with 50 Hz. And on the basis of average power (50 - 60 Hz) the mass air flow rate at the high fan speed exceeds 700,000 ft³ per hour and with TITAN software the high fan speed can be maintained at all times. With low fan speed (at 20°F/-7°C) the air flow will reduce to approximately 350,000 ft³ per hour.
What does all this technical jargon in reality mean?
In short, whatever you place in an ArcticBlast 5 will chill, and if required then freeze, in accordance with another scientific equation based upon the effect above and produce temperature and the produce’s Kcal values. All produce has their individual values that influence the speed of temperature loss or chilling/freezing process.
Flexible sizes from 10 m³ (343 ft³)
The temperature reduction zone of a ArcticBlast5 is more than 20 m² (215 ft²) – with pallet footprints of 0.96 m² (EU) and 1.2 m² (UK/US GMA) the recommended pallet capacity for fastest results, including free space for air circulation, is 14 EU pallets.
Smaller ArcticBlast (10' and 20') lower effect models are also available. For 3 EU pallets a standard ArcticStore 10’ will work quite well with rapid chilling and even blast freezing small volumes.
Rapid chilling – fruit and vegetables:
Calculated on average values 20,000 KG (44,100 lbs) of produce will reduce by 1°C each 20 minutes or be cooled to +5°C core temperature from 30°C in ≈ 8 hours.
Blast freezing meats:
Different meats also have different thermal loss values; the greater the fat content (%) the faster the heat loss.
Again using averages 20,000 KG (44,100 lbs) at +5°C/41°F of high % fat beef will be frozen to -18°C/0°F core temperature in ≈ 22 hours whereas lean beef requires almost 30 hours. Typically, meats take between 1 hour and 1½ hours per 1,000 KG (220.5 lbs) from +5°C to a core temperature of -18°C.
Some more facts and figures:
• Air supply from refrigeration is at floor level – produce needs to be palletised or in cages.
• More than 80% of the blast freezer length has direct air flow
• Average maximum distance for air travel in 5 models is approx. 6 meters
• Fans at high speed circulate the air in the blast freezer almost 150 times per hour or approx. every 24 seconds
• ArcticBlast 5 requires 5 x 32A 380/440V 50/60 Hz power supply.
Packing density:
As with all blast freezers and rapid chillers actual performance is also determined by packing density. For the fastest results there needs to be airflow over the greatest possible surface area of the produce.
ArcticBlast ‘n Store
We also offer the combination of blast freezing (rapid chilling) and storage under 1 roof with single or multiple access doors direct from the storage area to the “blast” zone. This combination is available with the ArcticBlast 5 with from 25 m² connected storage.
With ArcticBlast you can also perform tempering. With standard heaters an ArcticBlast 5.1 will deliver 26,25KW effect. 20.000 KG of ham would be tempered from -18°C to +2°C in approx. 49 hours. Heating effect can be increased through extended heaters and this would reduce the required time to approx. 34 hours.
Connect to a building
ArcticBlast (and Blast ‘n Store) can be connected to an existing building with a connecting tunnel. We can even install inside an existing building always provided the dimensions permit.