rental of modular freezer and chiller
cold rooms
Arctic SUPERSTORE open plan cold stores for HIRE AND SALE.
Seeing is believing

Approx. 380 ft² 3 x 20' SuperStore cold room with side door
TRANSFORM NON-PRODUCTIVE SPACE a SuperStore modular cold room. Rental and sale - fast delivery
Food grade and hygienic open plan temperature-controlled zone for pharma, foods and many other commodities.
Flexible end/side door positions and available in 20' and 40' lengths - alternative lengths are possible. 20' and 40' can be joined together.
Whilst normally single zone Superstores can be multi-zone and can incorporate internal sliding doors between zones.
Very flexible design - as many ft² as you need - doors where you require - upsize/downsize possible - hire or sale and much less expensive than building!

Almost 3000 ft² 40' wide 80' long SuperStore cold room with multiple doors
- Not permanent - up- and downsizing possible
- Multiple refrigeration machines = in-built redundancy
- Extremely user friendly and cost saving
- Internal lighting, day glow signage, emergency exits
- Can be connected to a building
- Have been installed inside warehouses
- Lead-time = +/- 16 weeks, not months/years
- Construction time is days and not weeks
- Inexpensive transport as ISO containers
- Power efficient refrigeration

2BAY 40' SuperStore 530+ft²

4BAY 40' SuperStore 1050+ft²

9BAY 40' SuperStore with preparation room 2700+ft²