To hire or to buy
shipping and storage containers?
A rental container requires no investment, there is no risk or benefit from market conditions. The hire rate is agreed and that is what it costs today, tomorrow or next year.
Renting refrigerated containers and the maintenance and repairs for wear and tear are for TITAN's account, not yours!
New and used storage and shipping containers are a very quick fix if you need extra safe and sound storage capacity.
Container prices are heavily influenced by supply and demand, by quality and by world economics that determine the volumes of cargoes moving around the globe.

Irrespective of your preference to hire or own our more than 30 years of trade experience and customer focus will deliver a product and service second to none.
TITAN links container manufacturers and original owners directly with the final user.
Our offices and agencies around the globe deliver the same high standard of containers and service and always with market competitve terms.