Containers for the Hotel

and Resort industry


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As businesses seek cost effective alternatives containers are being used for multitude of uses that are totally unrelated to the shipping and transport sector.

TITAN have specialised in supply all business sectors where containers deliver a fast and affordable alternative to traditional solutions. This includes the hotel and resort industry where we have already supplied a wide range of solutions over the past 30 years.

Founded in 1987, Danish headquartered TITAN Containers offer global container sales and through our many offices affordable day to day portable cold store and container hire and sales services in almost all European countries as well as in many other countries worldwide.

We detail below some of the more common services we supply. See our brochures, be inspired and think outside of box and perhaps we can save you $'s and improve your bottom line.

Hotel and Resort cold rooms


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With new hotel and resort developments and when refurbishing existing properties chill and frozen cold rooms are expensive items. We can significantly reduce your costs!

  • Food grade stainless steel and aluminium interiors
  • Various sizes with variable door designs
  • Can be supplied complete with internal lighting and “person trapped” alarm
  • Operating set point -40C to + 30C or -40F to +86F at ambient temperatures up to +50C/122F
  • Self-diagnostic refrigeration with digital data logger and remote monitoring options
  • New technology low power Thermo King, Carrier or Daikin refrigeration
  • 100% weather resistant exteriors

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Extra cold storage space


In many countries you can rent for a day, a weekend, a week or just as long as you need all the extra refrigeration for Smiley facefood and beverages you require in the event of breakdown or planned maintenance of own facilities or when you need extra refrigerated capacity for peak holiday season demands, event catering, concerts, congresses and exhibitions.

Day to day hire services are available in these countries.


Sanitise mattress and pillows


You may also be interested to read about using refrigeration to eradicate mites and bugs in fabrics and furnishings and particularly in mattresses and pillows. Freezing these items to a core temperature of -40C/-40F for just a short period kills both the living and their eggs. No chemicals are required and there is no damage except to the unwanted guests.




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Storing seasonal furniture and other material


Around the world there are many countries where hotels have seasonal furniture. Out-door terraces are not so popular when the weather is inclement! Why store the valuable furniture unprotected when protected storage in a container or containers is very inexpensive?

You may have other material that is best stored protected from the elements.

We offer 3 options:

  • You can purchase a new or used container and have this delivered to your address
  • You can rent a container short, medium or long term instead of buying. Day to day container hire services available here
  • You can rent a container at a TITAN self-storage site or use our loaded storage option if you do not need 24/7 access to the container and your property. Self storage facilities are available in

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Modular accommodation


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Low cost staff accommodation can be supplied as finished units and in some cases as flat pack modules for erection on site. Our range includes simple rooms like offices or gate security rooms, luggage and personnel X-ray security tunnels to complete on site living areas for staff.


Containers can be modified, or purpose built to many applications and container bars and cafes are very in vogue as they are low cost and offer an alternative modern architecture. There are even entire hotels that have been built using containers as building blocks!